We are welcoming LAUREN KEHL to Sparrow Studios to offer two amazing workshops! Read about them below:

Sequencing on Dance Trapeze

Date: Saturday, April 12

Time: 10 a.m. to noon

Price: $80

Level: CB2 and above


Having the bar of a dance trapeze to create space gives you a whole different set of options to explore while combining moves and transitioning between them. We’ll use that solid, heavy base to find sequences that capitalize on the extra real estate for movement, rolling, and transitioning. Rather than being choreography-focused, this workshop is designed to equip students with the sequencing concepts they need to develop their own choreography and transitions in their future practice.


This workshop is taught on dance trapeze. All students must have comfort pulling over multiple times from the ground and comfort inverting in the air from standing on the trapeze.

Teacher Training Series: Beat Basics

Sparrow Studios is excited to announce we will be bringing Lauren (and hopefully other instructors in the future!) to Olympia to share in our continuing education as instructors. Sparrow Studios will be subsidizing this event to allow our coaches to have access to continuing education, and to allow community members interested in learning coaching techniques the opportunity to take this workshop at a reduced price!

Date: Saturday, April 12

Time: 2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Price: $50

Level: CB2 and above


Explore the basics of building a powerful, effective, and efficient beat from start to finish. We’ll talk about the importance of a student’s connection to the apparatus, how to build awareness of that at all points during the beat, and to use that connection and awareness to develop power and control. The focus will be on forward/backward beats, but we will also touch on bell beat patterning and how the same principles of connection and momentum work in both beat types. Students will gain a thorough understanding of basic beat structure, preparing the body for beats, and progressions for skills such as beat to pullover.

This workshop is taught on sling and trapeze. Students must be at an advanced beginning level or higher (actively working on aerial skills and looking for refinement on technique).


Lauren Kehl is a Seattle-based aerial coach, Pilates instructor, and GYROTONIC®  trainer known for her technical expertise and innovative approach to coaching. She began her aerial training in 2008 and has been coaching for over 15 years, dedicating her career to refining technique and advancing coaching methodologies.

As a curriculum developer and co-leader of the teacher training program at Versatile Arts, Lauren specializes in mentoring other coaches, helping them build a strong foundation in biomechanics, progressions, and student-centered teaching strategies. She has developed Movement First Aerial, her own methodology that focuses on understanding foundational movement patterns to create strength, efficiency, and artistry in the air.

Lauren works with students of every level, tailoring her teaching to meet individual needs while fostering growth and confidence. Her approach blends aerial arts with Pilates and The GYROTONIC® Method, creating a holistic foundation for strength, flexibility, and injury prevention.

Her work is a trusted resource for aerial instructors and students alike, providing tools to deepen technical understanding and refine their practice. Learn more about Lauren and her resources at laurenkehl.com.