Skywriting: From the Page to the Aerial Stage, at Sweet Retreats, in Puerto Escondido, Mexico

with coaches Marlo Winter and Emily Van Kley

April 19 through April 26

As you may or may not know, last October coaches Emily Van Kley and Marlo Winter taught a retreat for aerialists combining act creation with creative writing, called Skywriting: From the Page to the Aerial Stage, at Sweet Retreats, in Puerto Escondido, Mexico.

It was so much fun, they are doing it again, this April 19-26, and they'd like to invite local aerial students, friends, and members of our wider aerial community to come join! Class material is appropriate for everyone from seasoned professionals to folks just starting their aerial journeys. You will leave the retreat with new friends, new inspiration, and an act you can perform, as well as lots of tools for creating and refining future aerial acts. Plus, Sweet Retreats is in gorgeous Oaxaca, with incredible food, gorgeous weather, views of the ocean, a pool, hottub, cute pets onsite, the list goes on! Students who sign up and refer a friend get $100 off.

If you have questions, feel free contact Emily or Marlo (, @eda_begadix on instagram), chat with your classmates who have attended Sweet Retreats programs in the past, and/or check out testimonials on our instagram: @circus.skywriters (while you're there follow us! we're new!)

This time we are opening the retreat to writers, too! They will have time and space to work on their own in the mornings, and then we'll offer introductory aerial classes in the afternoons. So if you have writer friends with a yearning for circus, this retreat is for them as well!

Thank you for helping us get the word out! We are honored to be in community with all of you, and love the art you bring!!!


Emily & Marlo