Adult Session-Based Classes & Schedule

These classes are for adults and teens ages 13 and up.
All session-based classes require pre-registration to participate.

If you are looking for activities for ages 12 and under, check out the Kids Classes or Camps page. 

Not sure which aerial class to sign up for? Check out the the Aerial Class Levels page.

Detailed information about our classes and policies can be found on STUDIO INFO pages.
Get on our mailing list to receive an alert when class registration begins for each session. 

Session-based classes typically run for 8-weeks and participants must sign up for all 8 weeks. Only a few classes allow for drop-ins and you can find out more on the DROP-IN and COMMUNITY CLASSES page.


if no classes appear, registration is closed at this time.

January/February Session

January 5th through March 1st

Break week: March 2-8th

(next session will run March 9 through May 3 and registration will open mid-February)


11-12:30 Continuing Handstands (Audrey)

1-2pm Adult Circus Sampler (Audrey) **4 weeks

2-4pm CB3 (Rumi/Giselle/Emily)


5-7pm Beginning Hoop/Sling (Emily)

5:30-6:30 Clown Class + Mime Workout (Luz) DROP-IN ONLY

7-9pm Continuing Hoop/Sling (Emily)

6:30-7:30 Juggle Jam (Audrey) DROP-IN ONLY


5-7pm CB3 (Emily)

5-6pm Intro to Handstand (Audrey)

6-7:30pm Continuing Handstands (Audrey)

7-9pm CB2  (Emily)


6 - 7:30 Flexibility for Everybody (Audrey)

6-7:30pm CB1 (Rumi)

7:30-9pm Intro (Rumi)


5-7 Active Flex (Giselle) **4 weeks

6-7:30pm Intro to Aerial (Ariel)

7:30-9pm CB1 (Ariel)


2:30-4pm CB1 (Ariel)


11-1pm CB2 (Giselle/Rumi)


March/April Session

Runs 8 weeks from March 9th through May 3rd

Break week: May 4-10th

CB= Continuing Beginner (these adult classes have prerequisites)

Bold classes are for total beginners 


10-11am Intro to Tumbling for Adults (Audrey)

11-12:30 Continuing Handstands (Audrey)

12:30-1:30 4 weeks (March) Family Circus for kids + adults (Audrey/Marlo)

12:30-1:30 4 weeks (April) Adult Circus Sampler (Audrey) 

1:30-4:30 Act Creation (Marlo 5 weeks March 16th thru April 13th, includes Broho Field Trip) 


5-7pm Forsythia* Hoop/Sling (Emily) (starts March 9th during break week, 7 weeks long)

5:30-6:30 Drop In Clown Class (Luz)

7-9pm Camilia* Hoop/Sling (Emily) (starts March 9th during break week, 7 weeks long)

6:30-7:30 Drop In Juggle Jam (Audrey)


5-7pm CB3 - Belays and Crossbacks (Emily) 

5-6pm Intro to Handstand (Marlo) 

6-7:30pm Continuing Handstands (Marlo) 

7-9pm Intermediate Apparatus Roulette  (Emily) (starts during break week, 7 weeks long)


6 - 7:30 Strength and Flexibility (Audrey/Marlo)

6-7:30pm CB1 (Ariel)

7:30-9pm Intro to Aeriel (Ariel)


5:30-7:30pm CB2 (Rumi)

7:30-9pm CB1 (Rumi)


2:30-4pm Intro to Aerial (Marlo)

6-8pm CB2 (Marlo) - 7 weeks - no class arts walk 4/25

Additional Registration information

Once the first class of the session has passed, registration is closed. Please email instructors directly for late enrollment options. We typically do not allow for drop-ins but some exceptions apply depending on experience, space availability, and instructor permission.

If you have never taken a class with our studio and you want to take an aerial class above the Intro level, DO NOT REGISTER! Please email us to complete a free assessment to see what class level would best suit you! The Aerial Class Levels page will help you understand how to progress through our studio’s curriculum.

I have taken many classes taught by Sara Sparrow over the years and have thoroughly enjoyed all of them. She has a vibrant and positive attitude towards teaching which make her classes fun and rewarding. Aerial and ground acrobatics can both be humbling and it is easy to feel discouraged, but her supportive, confident teaching style has kept me coming back for more.
— Lily