Grab Bag: Intro to pop-throughs, fast rolls, and c-shapes with Giselle
December 14th 11am-1pm $65
This is a medley workshop! This workshop is aimed at students wanting a first introduction or just my take on these subjects. We will look at pop-throughs in the ground and on the air, flag oles, and the prerequisites and theory of coil-ups, as well as some strength and coordination points. This workshop is appropriate for CB3+ or a strong CB2 level student. Students will (hopefully) leave with a basic understanding of these intermediate moves and the building blocks to work on them.
Prereqs: 30 second plank, 3 turn pike beats in a row. You do *not* need to have been working on single coil or fast rolls - this workshop assumes you haven't worked on them much at all.
Sign up here space is limited to 10 students